Get to Know Me
I thought it would be a good idea for readers of my blog to get to know me a little, so here are 10 facts about me :)
1. Neeli is my childhood nickname.
2. I currently live in London, but I am a proud northerner!
3. I have an unhealthy obsession with notebooks.....there are no limits on how many one should have! (in my opinion)
4. I used to work for Woolworths (in my teenage years) and it was the best job I have ever had; I used to work in the toys and confectionery department and there is nothing more satisfying that replenishing the Pix 'N' Mix!
5. I am the youngest of 4 siblings.
6. I love sushi!
7. I have an A* in Art, and I was a member of the Art Council back in school.
8. I am left-handed and proud!
9. I would rather eat crisps than chocolate! - I have an obsession with Wotsits!
10. The man in my photo is my lovely husband - we have been married for over 2 years.
So, there you have it! - as my blog evolves you will all get to know me a lot more.
Thank you for reading!
All my love,
Neeli x
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